SHALE: Extreme Fiction for Extreme Conditions
Edited by Susan Smith Nash, Nathan Leslie, Valerie Fox, and Arlene Ang
$23.95 paperback/$11.88 Kindle
2015, 158 pages, 6 x 9
ISBN: 978-0-692-52042-0
ISBN-10: 0-692-52042-2
Order through CreateSpace: www.createspace.com/5689418
A collection of short fiction by Joel Allegretti, Peter Baroth, Marilu Beas, Annie Bien, Peter Byrne, Lisa J. Cihlar, James Claffey, Lydia Cortes, Daniela Elza, Shinelle L. Espaillat, Evald Flisar, Christine Hamm, Rose Hunter, Shalom Mensu Ikhena, Franklin Lafayette King, Lynn Levin, Paul Lisicky, Bobbi Lurie, Michael McGilloway, Tara L. Masih, Jen Michalski, Susan Smith Nash, Liz Tynes Netto, Debi Orton, Lisa Prince, Charles Rammelkamp, Don Riggs, John Wolfgang Roberts, Thaddeus Rutkowski, Scott Stein, and Elizabeth Thorpe.

Arlene Ang's short stories, some co-written with Valerie Fox, have been published in Admit Two, Juked, Monkeybicycle, Per Contra, Staccato Fiction, and Wigleaf. Her latest poetry collection, Banned for Life, was published by Misty Publications in 2014. She lives in Spinea, Italy.
Valerie Fox was a founding editor for the magazines 6ix and Press 1. Much interested in collaboration, she is recently part of group of Philadelphia artists combining dance, word, and visual arts in projects known as "Variable Space." She has published a few books with Texture Press, including Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon, a compilation co-written with SHALE co-editor Arlene Ang.
Nathan Leslie's eight books of fiction include Sibs, The Tall Tale of Tommy Twice, and Madre. His next book of flash fiction, Root and Shoot, will be published later this year by Texture Press. He is also the author of Night Sweat, a poetry collection. Nathan's short stories, essays and poems have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines including Boulevard, Shenandoah, North American Review, and Cimarron Review. Nathan was series editor for The Best of the Web anthology 2008 and 2009 (Dzanc Books) and edited fiction for Pedestal Magazine for five years as well. He teaches English at Northern Virginia Community College. His website is www.nathanleslie.com.
Susan Smith Nash founded Texture Press because of a love for innovative writing and self-expression, and a desire to encourage writers to cross generic and disciplinary boundaries. In addition to supporting innovative writing, she is also committed to boundary-pushing translations, influenced by Walter Benjamin, Lawrence Venuti, and Anthony Pym.